I love this one for hitting the legs and butt while also getting the heart rate up.
Make sure to have a set up dumbbells nearby. I used a pair of 25 lb dumbbells.
10 Burpees (full on, with push up)
15 Deadlifts (with both dumbbells)
10 Burpees
15 Fire Hydrants (hands and knees, pretend you're a dog; extra props if you use a band for resistance, place band above your knees)
20 Walking Lunges (with both dumbbells)
30 Bicycle Toe Touches (extra props if you use a band for resistance, place band around the arches of your feet)
100 Squats (extra props if you use a band for resistance above your knees)
25 Tricep Extensions (use one dumbbell)
20 Push-ups
1 Min Plank Hold
Do one or two times through. Post below and let me know what you thought!
Peace & Love, Nikki