Before I got pregnant, I knew the kind of birth I wanted...unmedicated with the smallest amount of interventions as possible. So believe it or not, my birth plan started before I even conceived. I took measures to be healthy physically & mentally before I had a fetus in my womb. And, I continued that health journey during pregnancy.
These measures included: eating mostly healthy, exercising a few times a week, yoga, & mindfulness including journaling & meditation. Breathing was a HUGE part of my birth process.
As a first time mama, I labored in total for around 12 hours. Once she was born, she came straight to my chest. We left the birthing center 3 hours after I had her. This ensured proper bonding time & starting our schedule off well.
This was my birth plan:
1) Vaginal birth
2) Partner attended
3) No medication, no induction, no epidural, no episiotomy, no pitocin after
4) Ability to eat & drink during labor
5) Ability to move freely during labor
6) Access to bath & shower during labor
7) Birth with midwives at the birthing center
8) Immediate skin to skin
9) Delayed cord clamping
All went to plan. I birthed on all fours, well kind of, I was holding a birthing/yoga ball.
Something that has become evident to me the more births I attend is, left mostly undisturbed, a birth unfolds beautifully & mama is able to focus on being in her body & allowing this unfolding.
Have you written your birth plan? Have questions? Feel free to reach out!
xx Nasreen 'Nikki'